Eating & Drinking Occasions Landscape: Restaurant-Sourced vs. Non-Restaurant-Sourced Occasions
Restaurant-sourced occasions account for nearly one-quarter of all U.S. adult eating and drinking occasions, reaching over 90 billion mouths annually. While restaurant-sourced items may seem like an indulgence, these occasions help meet a broad range of desired attributes and emotional context: from functionality to flavor and delight to social connection.
This report is comprised of data-focused dashboards that compare details like categories consumed, cuisine types, channels and sourcing methods, top need states, demographic differences and more so you can optimize your product, marketing and innovation efforts.
Published September 2024 | Report length: 13 pages | U.S. market coverage
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Purchase any three Eating & Drinking Occasions Landscape reports and receive special pricing: $2,500 for three reports (over 16% off compared to purchasing reports individually). Choose from a variety of topics to suit your occasion-based data needs:
- Alone vs. social occasions
- At-home vs. away-from-home occasions
- Meal vs. snack occasions
- Restaurant-sourced vs. non-restaurant-sourced occasions
- Coming November 2024: spontaneous vs. planned occasions
- Report (PowerPoint and PDF)
- Hartman Group’s Compass Eating & Drinking Occasions Database is a comprehensive database on American eating patterns, grounded in a complete enumeration of past-24-hour eating occasions
- Fielded as 3 annual waves (April-May 2023; July-August 2023; September-October 2023) among U.S. adults aged 18-74, nationally representative sample (balanced by age, gender, region, education, income, number of children and race/ethnicity)
- Methodology
- Interpreting the dashboards
- Restaurant-sourced vs. non-restaurant-sourced occasions dashboards
- Key details
- Food and beverage details
- Sourcing details
- Emotional context and occasion characteristics
- Need states
- Demographics
- Key takeaways
- Restaurant-sourced vs. non-restaurant-sourced occasions
- A brief overview of the “who,” “what,” “where,” “when” and “why” of restaurant-sourced and non-restaurant-sourced occasions
- Detailed dashboards comparing key factors of restaurant-sourced and non-restaurant-sourced occasions:
- Food and beverage categories consumed and top cuisine types
- Channels and sourcing methods (including in-person vs. online)
- Sourcing details
- Top need states, emotional context and occasion characteristics
- Demographic differences
- Key takeaways and thought starters for innovation