
Restaurant-sourced foods and beverages are often seen as a special occasion or indulgence: 22% of these occasions are motivated by a desire for “food that would delight me.” At the same time, 66% of restaurant-sourced occasions are motivated by a need for convenience — hence the fast-food channel being the dominant source (39%) for these occasions.  

Curious about which specific services, like ordering via an app or drive-through, are most common? Wondering how restaurant-sourced occasions compare to occasions sourced elsewhere?  

Eating & Drinking Occasions Landscape: Restaurant-Sourced vs. Non-Restaurant-Sourced Occasions gives you the necessary data to spot key differences between these occasion types so you can optimize your product, marketing and innovation efforts. 

The 13-page report distills nearly 15,000 U.S. adult eating and drinking occasions from our proprietary Compass Eating & Drinking Occasions Database into data-focused dashboards and key takeaways. You’ll glean critical details on these two occasion types, including:  

  • Food and beverage categories consumed and top cuisine types  
  • Channels and sourcing methods (including in-person vs. online) 
  • Top need states, emotional context and occasion characteristics   
  • Key differences across demographics  

Is your strategy optimized to meet consumers’ needs across emotional contexts and occasion types? Get the data you need to better tailor your offerings.   

Want even more insights on eating occasions?  

Contact us to learn how you can bundle and save when purchasing three or more Occasions Landscape reports! And for even deeper insights, Eating & Drinking Occasions Landscape 2023: Settling Into a New Era offers a complete analysis of U.S. adult eating and drinking behaviors and how those behaviors have changed over the last five years.  

Source: Eating & Drinking Occasions Landscape: Restaurant-Sourced vs. Non-Restaurant-Sourced Occasions, Hartman Group