
3 highlights from our Organic 2022 report

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Our latest infographic slideshow provides three highlights from our Organic 2022: Then, Now, Next report— a continuation of The Hartman Group’s long-running syndicated research on the organic market. Published April 2022, the 119-page report explores the transformation of organic from a niche category based on a social movement to a mainstream marker of quality across food and beverage categories.

Organic 2022: Then, Now, Next is an essential, investigative resource, providing in-depth analysis and thought-provoking insights backed by a range of data for startups, established companies, investors, and stakeholders across the food and beverage industry.

Looking for more information? A detailed report overview and order form for Organic 2022: Then, Now, Next, including chapter highlights, can be accessed here.

Learn more about how Hartman’s syndicated reports can be an essential resource to help you navigate the way forward in these uncertain times. Contact: melissa@hartman-group.com

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