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76% of eating and drinking occasions take place at home, where consumers tend to crave comfort: a familiar taste, something that’s easy to eat or something that is hot.  

On the flip side, only 1 in 4 occasions takes place away from home, so it’s no surprise that consumers expect more from these less frequent occasions. While convenience-related needs rank highest on away-from-home occasions, they are also more likely to involve a variety of needs around freshness, less processing, flavor, health, quality, sustainability and connecting with or taking care of others.  

However, the differences between these two occasion types extend far beyond comfort and convenience. Understanding those differences will help you not only optimize your products and marketing, but innovate to capture additional mouths. That’s why we created the second report in our 2024 occasions series: Eating & Drinking Occasions Landscape: At-Home vs. Away-From-Home Occasions. 

This set of data-focused dashboards is quick and easy-to-digest, drawing on nearly 15,000 U.S. adult eating and drinking occasions from our proprietary Compass Eating & Drinking Occasions Database. These dashboards include critical data on the “who,” “what,” when,” “where” and “why” of these two occasion types, covering details like: 

  • Categories and cuisines used 
  • Trip type, purchasing timeframes, trip sources and top retail and restaurant channel 
  • Top need states, feelings and emotions, as well as occasion characteristics 
  • Key differences across demographics 

Purchase your copy of the 13-page report today so you can better tailor your offerings to meet the diverse needs of consumers.  

Purchase the report

Want even more insights on eating occasions?  

Eating & Drinking Occasions Landscape 2023: Settling Into a New Era provides an in-depth analysis of U.S. adult eating and drinking behaviors and how those behaviors have changed over the last five years.

To gain a deeper understanding of the cultural implications these findings have for your business, connect with Shelley Balanko to discuss custom engagement options: shelley@hartman-group.com 

Source: Eating & Drinking Occasions Landscape: At-Home vs. Away-From-Home Occasions, Hartman Group