Hartman Group Future of Supplements Primer Cover

Earlier this month, our analysts began fielding our Health Benefits 2024 study to uncover how today’s consumer leverages foods, beverages and supplements for specific benefits. From energy to immunity, sleep to weight management and more, we’re eagerly studying which health needs are most influential with today’s consumers and which benefits are driving growth in the CPG industry.  

But given our decades of immersion in the wellness space, we already know one thing to be true: the demand for supplements today goes well beyond their initial appeal as a solution to perceived nutritional gaps in the average American diet.  

From the popularization of fortified foods & beverages in the 1980s and the ensuing boom of ‘functional foods,’ to the recent trend of whole food-based supplements, many consumers view food and supplements as inextricably linked.  

With 68% of consumers saying that vitamins and nutritional supplements play an important role in their health and wellness,* the category is primed for continued expansion. In fact, the global vitamins & supplements market is expected to hit $361B by 2032. 

That’s why we’d argue that any CPG marketer or business leader — not just those in the supplements industry — should understand how supplements interplay with consumers’ lifestyle aspirations and overall consumption behaviors.   

Our latest thought piece breaks down three out of six key dimensions that we believe are shaping the future of supplements:  

  • Benefits 
  • Formats 
  • Ingredients 
  • Consumers 
  • Occasions  
  • Branding  

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Download your copy of Future of Supplements: Thoughts on a Changing Landscape today to see how trends in this booming sector have implications for your own business.  

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Keep your eyes peeled for preliminary insights from our in-depth syndicated study, Health Benefits 2024: From Energy to Immunity, launching September 30th.  

*Health & Wellness 2023: The Great Wellness Reset, Hartman Group