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Health claims are a dime a dozen these days. From sleep support to insulin regulation, consumers are navigating a dizzying marketplace of products and ingredients that tout solutions to their growing list of priorities. As health benefit spaces continue evolving, many brands are eager to find the best way to maintain a competitive edge. 

Case study: Planters and the energy benefit space 

You might guess that Planters nuts started out as a benefit-free snack to enjoy at a social gathering alongside a beer. However, the 118-year-old brand has actually spoken to energy needs in some capacity since its inception. For example, the “Nickel Lunch” campaign of the early ‘20s highlighted peanuts as an easy, affordable and healthy meal for the working class. And when vitamins became an important part of the American diet in the mid-20th century, Planters implemented claims around peanuts being “a good source of 5 vitamins and minerals.”  

Fast-forward to the early 2000s, and Planters stepped further into functional territory with the launch of the NUT-RITION line of snack blends aimed at supporting specific wellness needs like energy, heart health and digestion. Planters has continued to lean hard into the energy benefits of protein-packed peanuts, especially after its recent sale to Hormel Foods: the “plant-based protein” claim now marks the majority of Planters’ product packaging.  

Despite the brand’s continued evolution, Planters faces significant competition as the functional food and beverage landscape grows. High-protein snack innovations enter the market every day, claiming to support sustained energy AND a host of other health benefits.  

How can both legacy brands and emerging players cut through the noise to offer consumers meaningful solutions to their health needs?  

What transitions a product like Planters nuts from nutritious food to functional food in the consumer's mind? 

Our Q3 syndicated report, Health Benefits 2024: From Energy to Immunity will explore the consumer’s POV on energy, immunity, digestive health, cognitive health, sleep, weight management, emotional regulation, beauty and more. By providing actionable guidance on optimizing brand- and product-level attributes, this report will equip CPG industry players with the insights needed to develop and market products with lasting impact on consumers’ health needs.  

Learn more about the range of topics covered in the report and pre-purchase your copy HERE
