Fiber supplement examples

Spontaneous requests can be stressful. Even a simple question can spawn a host of other questions: When do you need an answer? Do you have the right internal resources — and do they have the bandwidth? If you have to outsource the request, will it fit your budget?  

This is where a strategic sounding board comes in very handy. Through a Hartman Retainer Services partnership, you get just that: the flexibility to ask our experts pretty much anything, any time — plus an efficient response. But what exactly does that look like in practice?  

Let’s take a look at some recent client requests, ranging from complex strategic consulting to in-depth answers to specific business questions: 

The request: Strategic consulting on business initiatives 

After several years of focusing on their core products, a large CPG manufacturer wanted to invest in innovation again — but the team needed to build a case for senior leadership first. They wanted to determine pillars of success for future innovation while also gaining a better understanding of what new and legacy brands were doing across the marketplace. 

Our approach 

To fulfill this in-depth request, our team developed an innovation landscape. We set the stage by examining specific cultural dynamics at play, like the emphasis on mental wellbeing and the digital genesis of trends. Then, we developed a framework for evaluating innovation — both within the marketplace and as it relates to the client’s future efforts. Six in-depth case studies examined the “what,” “how” and “why” of different innovations from both new and legacy brands. Finally, we provided strategic questions and implications for the client to consider as they revisit innovation efforts.  

The request: Comprehensive category overview 

A U.S. food retailer wanted to deeply understand a specific category within the fresh-prepared space, including consumer trends, category insights and occasions.  

Our approach 

This category overview was grounded in consumer priorities like freshness, flavor, health and convenience. We dove into category-specific occasions by mining our Compass Eating & Drinking Occasions Database to assess demographics, dayparts, locations, preparation methods and more. By comparing total category occasions to client-specific occasions, specific opportunities were clearly identifiable. We then provided key takeaways and actionable recommendations for the client. 

The request: In-depth POV on specific business questions  

A global private label manufacturer was interested in understanding perceptions of soy, particularly in the context of plant-based protein. They also had a specific hypothesis they wanted us to pressure test.  

Our approach 

As always, we dove into our intellectual capital, including our Compass Eating & Drinking Occasions Database and ongoing trends research. We looked at soy through the lens of several ongoing trends like simple processing, positive nutrition and sustainable sourcing. Building on those findings, we provided an in-depth POV in response to the client’s hypothesis and implications for future product development. 

The bottom line: Spontaneous requests don’t have to be stressful 

Regardless of the request’s complexity, we view each question through a strategic, culture-first lens. By grounding our work in the long-term structural changes across the food landscape and enduring demand drivers, we help you understand the “why” with just the right amount of detail to meet your needs.  

And the best part about HRS partnerships? They are highly flexible. Whether you opt to tap our team regularly for tactical questions or focus on a handful of strategic initiatives throughout the year, each retainer package is fully customizable to suit your goals and budget. Connect with Shelley Balanko today to see how an HRS partnership can take your strategy to the next level: