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Future of Supplements: Thoughts on a Changing Landscape

Since the advent of the first commercially available vitamin tablets in the 1930s, the supplements and nutraceuticals space has undergone some of CPG’s…

Key insights from “Beyond Organic 2024”

"Beyond Organic 2024: Expanding Distinctions in Food & Beverage" examines consumer desires for new quality standards beyond the USDA Organic certification:…

Beyond Organic 2024: Expanding Distinctions in Food & Beverage

“Beyond Organic: Expanding Distinctions in Food & Beverage” equips readers with actionable insights to navigate where organic adds value, where…

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158 results found

June 11, 2020 | Infographic

What New Cooking Habits Have Americans Developed During COVID-19?

In the nationwide response to the COVID-19 health crisis, lives and lifestyles have been dramatically altered as consumers faced the realities of the moment…

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June 04, 2020 | Infographic

Organic Today: Trust in the USDA Organic Seal

Seals and certifications act as shortcuts for consumers to increase their confidence in purchases without needing to search as much for outside information…

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May 28, 2020 | Infographic

Sustainability in Everyday Life: Plastic and Packaging Waste

Consumers are keen to better align their actions with their aspirations — particularly in areas related to impacts from their consumption of material…

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May 21, 2020 | Infographic

Spotlight on Recent Immigrants: Influences of Cultural Background on Cooking and Eating

Currently, 1 in 4 U.S. residents is either a 1st- or 2nd-generation immigrant; that is, either born elsewhere or with at least one parent born elsewhere.…

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May 14, 2020 | Infographic

A Timeline of Organic Usage: 2000 to 2020

Since 1996, The Hartman Group has been at the leading edge of tracking the evolution of U.S. consumers through their ever-expanding exploration of organic…

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May 07, 2020 | Infographic

Tapping Into Personalized Nutrition: Consumer Demand for Protein-Fortified Beverages

Food and beverages have been the traditional avenues through which consumers have approached daily healthy living. Consumer priorities in food and beverages…

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April 30, 2020 | Infographic

Reports That Go Hand in Hand

It’s one of the best things about The Hartman Group’s signature syndicated reports: you can’t have one without another. Each report is packed with…

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April 28, 2020 | Infographic

How Many Consumers Buy Plant-Based Milk Alternatives?

Plant-based milks have turned “milk” into a personalized beverage rather than one shared within the household. Consumers often rotate among plant-based…

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April 23, 2020 | Infographic

Organic Private Label Brands

Consumers value organic and natural private label brands for their broad availability, quality associations, and lower price points. Buy report: Organic…

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