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Future of Supplements: Thoughts on a Changing Landscape

Since the advent of the first commercially available vitamin tablets in the 1930s, the supplements and nutraceuticals space has undergone some of CPG’s…

Key insights from “Beyond Organic 2024”

"Beyond Organic 2024: Expanding Distinctions in Food & Beverage" examines consumer desires for new quality standards beyond the USDA Organic certification:…

Beyond Organic 2024: Expanding Distinctions in Food & Beverage

“Beyond Organic: Expanding Distinctions in Food & Beverage” equips readers with actionable insights to navigate where organic adds value, where…

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July 08, 2020 | White Paper

Value in the Time of COVID-19

What is the consumer understanding of value? How do individuals evaluate the worth of products and services in an ever-competitive food landscape? These…

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July 07, 2020 | Article

Who Do You Trust? In the Time of a Historic Health Crisis, Doctors and Healthcare Providers Are Most Trusted Sources of Information, Finds New Hartman Group Report

The same report finds that three in ten consumers say they are consuming more functional foods and beverages due to COVID-19. Since mid-March, millions…

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July 02, 2020 | Infographic

Sustainability Today: Employee Welfare

Consumers know that businesses must focus on the bottom line, but this is not what ultimately makes a company responsible in their eyes. The Hartman Group’s…

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June 25, 2020 | Infographic

How We Understand Diversity in America

How we understand diversity in the U.S. has evolved due to both changing patterns of immigration and changing definitions of race and ethnicity. Race, ethnicity, and…

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June 25, 2020 | Webinar

The Future of Food Technology

The Future of Food Technology

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June 23, 2020 | Article

Big Food Is Back – But for How Long Without Innovation?

Whether empty shelves at food retail, COVID-19-driven shutdowns in facilities, worker (and animal) welfare or shuttered restaurants, we are likely —…

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June 16, 2020 | Article

Hartman/FMI Signature Consumer Research Evaluates Impact of COVID-19 on Grocery Shopper Habits

The Food Industry Association (FMI) released its annual U.S. Grocery Shopper Trends report, which extensively tracks consumer grocery shopping habits.…

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June 11, 2020 | Infographic

What New Cooking Habits Have Americans Developed During COVID-19?

In the nationwide response to the COVID-19 health crisis, lives and lifestyles have been dramatically altered as consumers faced the realities of the moment…

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June 04, 2020 | Infographic

Organic Today: Trust in the USDA Organic Seal

Seals and certifications act as shortcuts for consumers to increase their confidence in purchases without needing to search as much for outside information…

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