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Future of Supplements: Thoughts on a Changing Landscape

Since the advent of the first commercially available vitamin tablets in the 1930s, the supplements and nutraceuticals space has undergone some of CPG’s…

Key insights from “Beyond Organic 2024”

"Beyond Organic 2024: Expanding Distinctions in Food & Beverage" examines consumer desires for new quality standards beyond the USDA Organic certification:…

Beyond Organic 2024: Expanding Distinctions in Food & Beverage

“Beyond Organic: Expanding Distinctions in Food & Beverage” equips readers with actionable insights to navigate where organic adds value, where…

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October 09, 2023 | Report

Beverage Category Snapshots

Are you puzzled by shifting trends in your category’s consumption, occasions, and target consumer? Are internal stakeholders driving you crazy with…

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October 09, 2023 | Article

7 key needs driving Gen Z’s food choices

Gen Z is flying through formative life stages with unparalleled access to information, technology and global culture, shaping them into some of the most…

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October 02, 2023 | Article

Consumers don’t trust companies when it comes to sustainability…And here’s what to do about it.

If you’ve been following our conversations around sustainability in the last few months (or years, really), you’ve heard us talk at length…

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September 29, 2023 | Report

Sustainability 2023: Making Things Personal

“Sustainability 2023: Making Things Personal” builds on Hartman Group’s decades-long sustainability research to offer food and beverage companies…

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September 25, 2023 | Infographic

Interest vs. Understanding

Consumers want companies to make business decisions with the environment and social impacts in mind. However, their familiarity with corporate ESG efforts…

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September 18, 2023 | Article

Mastering convenience: How restaurants can cater to busy lives

Kids are back in school, adults are navigating return-to-office mandates, and life just feels busy right now. When the pressure of hectic schedules brings…

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September 11, 2023 | Infographic

Fresh…for free? Inside Gen Z’s food ideals

Modern food culture has instilled several core values in Gen Z, including the importance of fresh, less processed foods and beverages. These young consumers…

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August 28, 2023 | Infographic

Sustainability nomenclature gets nuanced

Diverse life experiences lead consumers to approach sustainability through a personal lens. They’re also using more words to describe “sustainability,”…

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August 21, 2023 | Article

New study: Understanding Gen Z and Alpha’s food lives

Looking up information in books? Ew. Talking on the phone instead of texting? Big yikes. Dial-up internet? As the kids would say… “We don’t…

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