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Future of Supplements: Thoughts on a Changing Landscape

Since the advent of the first commercially available vitamin tablets in the 1930s, the supplements and nutraceuticals space has undergone some of CPG’s…

Key insights from “Beyond Organic 2024”

"Beyond Organic 2024: Expanding Distinctions in Food & Beverage" examines consumer desires for new quality standards beyond the USDA Organic certification:…

Beyond Organic 2024: Expanding Distinctions in Food & Beverage

“Beyond Organic: Expanding Distinctions in Food & Beverage” equips readers with actionable insights to navigate where organic adds value, where…

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158 results found

September 16, 2021 | Infographic

Healthy Living Today and Weight Management: Consumers have a widespread desire to change body weight

As part of pandemic changes and due largely to a more sedentary shift to life at home, weight management continues to be a significant concern in the U.S.…

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September 09, 2021 | Infographic

Changes in How We Snack: Snacking, More So Than Meals, is Highly Vulnerable to Lifestyle Changes

Societal changes, and certainly global pandemics, affect each household differently, pushing their needs in different, sometimes divergent, directions.…

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September 02, 2021 | Infographic

Fall 2021: Hope and Anxiety as Americans Return to School and the Office

The FMI-Hartman Group U.S. Grocery Shopper Trends Tracker: Back to School/Back to Office report reveals that as of early August 2021, parents expect a…

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August 26, 2021 | Infographic

The Future of Brands: The Role That Private and Name Brands Can Play Is Up in the Air Now

Consumers are relying less on brands to guide their choices, and brands are searching for ways to build loyalty among increasingly discerning and fragmented…

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August 19, 2021 | Infographic

By the Numbers: A Sample of What’s Inside The Hartman Group’s Redefining Normal Eating Occasions Report

In spring 2020, the beginning of the pandemic saw heavy impacts on American eating habits, including the occasion context, sourcing, and preparation. Mitigation…

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August 12, 2021 | Infographic

Consumer Definition of Health & Wellness: A Global Perspective

What does health & wellness mean to consumers around the world? Our infographic depicts that “feeling good about oneself” ranks among the…

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August 05, 2021 | Infographic

Hartman Group’s Syndicated Reports: Consumers, Culture, Categories, Trends and Inspiration

This week we feature our first three syndicated reports for 2021: Sustainability, Brand Ambition: Food and Beverage Private Brands and Beyond, and Health…

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July 29, 2021 | Infographic

Brand’s BIG Role Shift

Data and insights from The Hartman Group’s Brand Ambition: Food and Beverage Private Brands & Beyondreport. Consumers no longer rely solely on…

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July 22, 2021 | Infographic

Healthy Living Today: Mental Health

Americans’ approach to health and wellness in 2021 reflects both longer-term trends and pandemic priorities. Notably, the desire for a balance between…

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