
Key insights from “Beyond Organic 2024”

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"Beyond Organic 2024: Expanding Distinctions in Food & Beverage" examines consumer desires for new quality standards beyond the USDA Organic certification: from regenerative agriculture to worker welfare and more.  

This free, 20-minute webinar highlights some of our most prominent findings from the report: 

  • Where organic participation remains strong amidst challenging economic conditions 
  • How consumer doubts regarding the strength and rigor of the USDA organic certification have grown in parallel with the organic movement’s evolution 
  • Insights from our proprietary World of Organic segmentation, which helps you understand what’s most important to consumers across different levels of engagement  
  • Where your brand or company can make the greatest impact 

Presenter: Melissa Abbott, VP of Syndicated Studies 
Duration: 20 minutes 

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